Once the Automatic Translate Addon is installed and configured, you can start using it to automate the translation process. Follow these steps to translate your website content automatically:
1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
2. Navigate to the page or post you want to translate.
3. Click on the “Translate Page” or “Translate Post” button added by the TranslatePress plugin.
4. In the translation editor, click on the “Auto Translate” button.

5. The addon will send the content to the configured translation service provider for automatic translation.
6. A pop-up will appear. Select the translator you wish to translate with.
7. In this section, we will select Google Translator. The process of Google and Yandex translators is similar.

8. Once you click on Google Translator. A window will open with a website content.
9. Select the language. This will automatically start translating your website content to the language you selected.

10. Click on Merge Translation.

11. Once the translation is complete, the translated content will be displayed in the translation editor.
12. Review and edit the translated content if needed.
13. Click on the “Save Translation” button to save the translated content.

Congratulations! You have successfully used the Automatic Translate Addon to translate your website content automatically.