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Style Settings

You can find Cryptocurrency Widget style settings inside Style tab >> Color Settings.

(a) Card Widget

(i) Background Color:- Choose backgound color for your widget.

(ii) Primary Color:- This is text color for highlighed texts. For eg. Coin name, Coin price etc..

(iii) Secondary Color:- This color applies on all text except highliged texts.

(iv) Box Shadow:- Using this option you can easily apply box shadow to your widget.

(v) Coin Name Typography:- You can select the Typography for Coin Name.

(vi) Coin Symbol Typography:- You can select the Typography for Coin Symbol.

(vii) Coin Price Typography:- You can select the Typography for Coin Price.

(viii) Other Content Typography:- You can select the Typography of the other Content.

(b) Donation Widget

(i) Primary Color:- This is text color for highlighed texts. For eg. Coin name, Coin price etc..

(ii) Secondary Color:- This color applies on all text except highliged texts.

(iii) Background Color:- Choose backgound color for your widget.

(iv) Border type:- You can select the border type.

(v) Border width:- Using this you can give the width to border.

(vi) Border color:- choose the Border color.

(vii) Border Radius:- You can set the Border radius.

(viii) Box Shadow:- Using this option you can easily apply box shadow to your widget.