Widget Layouts:- We now offer five types of Cryptocurrency Widget layouts: Card, Label, List, Top Gainer and Loser, and Advanced Table. In the Cryptocurrency Donation widget, we offer two styles: Tabular and List.
Cryptocurrency Widget
Price card:- You can see card layout in the screenshot. You can hide/show coins details according to your requirement. This can be done from Cryptocurrency Widget >> General Settings panel

Price Label:- Below is a screenshot displaying the style of the Label layout. You have the option to customize and style this layout according to your preferences using the widget style settings.

Price List:- Below given screenshot displaying the style of the List layout.

Gainer and Loser :- This is the screenshot of Top 5 Gainer and Loser.

Advanced Table :- Here, you can see the screenshot of Advance table widget layout.

Cryptocurrency Donation Widget
Tabular Donation widget:- Screenshot of Tabular Donation widget of 2 different coins and metamask wallet.

List Donation widget:- This represents the list design of the cryptocurrency donation widget.