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Recent Stories

[Recent-stories column="3" show-no-of-story="all" show-button="yes" button-text="Default view" order="DESC" btn-color="#8BCDA0" btn-text-color="#000" style="circle" border-width="2px" border-color="#9325da"]

Shortcode Attributes

S.NoShortcode AttributePossible ValuesDefault valuesDescription
1)columnint3No. of column to show
2)show-no-of-storyint or string “all” onlyallNo. of story to show
3)button-textstringDefault viewName of the button
4)orderASC /DESCDESCStory order
5)btn-colorAny color#8BCDA0Button color
6)btn-text-colorAny color#000Button text color
7)show-buttonyes/noyesHide or Show button
8)styledefault/circlecircleVisual shape of Story
9)border-widthAny size value2pxBorder Width
10)border-colorAny color#9325daBorder Color

1)Click on plugin menu

2)Go to Web Stories Widgets For Elementor plugin

3)Paste this shortcode any where in post/page

4)Click on publish button

5)After publishing stories

Note: In the shortcode, the border attributes will only be applied if the style is set to "circle".