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Initial Setup

Automatically Generate Page

When You will activate the plugin it will automatically generate two pages (CMC currency details and CMC currency details (Advanced Design) ) inside your WordPress pages list –never delete this page.

Easily Edit

This page uses some shortcodes, you can edit these “CMC currency details” page(s) to change shortcodes position and design single coins page in a better way but never change page slug or delete it.

Generate All Coins Single Pages

Remember this “CMC currency details” page will generate all coins single pages, you can’t directly preview this page. You can only preview a coin page by visiting a coin link from coins main list.

Update All Coins & All Coin’s Meta data

Coins MarketCap version 3.9 and above contains 5000 coins. These coins needs to be updated after the installation of the plugin. You have also needs to follow the below steps if you have updated the plugin from version older than 3.9 into the version of 3.9 and above.

Navigate to the WordPress dashboard -> Coin Market Cap > Coin Details Settings > Updates.

As you can see in the above picture. There are four options available which are described below:-

1: Add/update all coins: Click on the update button next to this option and all 5000 coins will be added in your WordPress database. These coins will keep updating periodically.

2: Add/update All Coins Extra Data: Click on the update button next to this option and the extra metadata like coin’s description, social site links etc, for all 5000 coins will be added too.

The above two options is only need to perform once after updating or installing the newer version of the plugin.

3: Coins link sitemap: This option is self-explained, it will simply generate the sitemap for all 5000 coins and the sitemap then can be used to submit in google or other search engines.

4: Download/update coin’s logo: The plugin will render all coin logos from the CDN or external URL. In case you have any issue rendering the logo from external links or you want all logo to be rendered from your server. Click on the Download/Update Logo button. This option will save all available logos for the coin in your webserver.

Note: In case an admin user have performed these actions recently or any of the above action is performed by the plugin itself automatically, the button next to the option will be disabled for a certain period of time to prevent data corruption.