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General Settings

General settings:-

  1. Dynamic Title – Add dynamic H1 title anywhere inside your coins page.

2. Dynamic Description – Show custom description/content in coins page.

3. Display Description From API – This is used if a user display custom description from API.

4. Display Changes 24h -This is an optional setting and used to display 24hours changes.

5. Display supply -This is an optional setting and used for display Currency Available Supply.

6. Volume 24hours -This is an optional setting and used for display Currency Volume 24h.

7. Display Market Cap -This is an optional setting and used for display Market Cap.

8. Enable Formatting -This is used if display Volume and market cap in (Million/Billion) format.

9. Enable Live Price Updates – This is used if Enable Live Price in main price section.

10. Chart Text Color – This is used if a user wants to change the chart text color.

11. Chart Color – This is used if a user wants to change the chart color.

12. Display Ath? – This is used if a user wants to display all time high price of coin

13. Display Ath(% Change)? – This is used if a user wants to display all time high percentage change in coin price.

14. Display Ath Date? – This is used if a user wants to display all time high price date of coin.

15. 24H High/Low and Ath Data -This is used if a user wants to display 24H High/Low and all time high Data on coin single page.

16. Select Default Currency -This is used if a user wants to change the default currency.

17. Facebok APP ID – This is used for writing facebook app id.

18. Display Twitter Feeds -This is used if a user wants to display the Twitter Feeds.

19. Affiliate Integration -This is used if change the Buy/Sell coin link.