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Post Timeline Settings: Layout

This settings will let you control over the timeline layout to display the posts of your choice in the timeline. The attached screen shows shows all the settings and their control over the timeline.

The layout settings have many settings field options

1. ) Layout : There are 6 Different layouts available with 5 Different designs to create a timeline of your choice.

  • Vertical (Right / Left) : This layout displays the timeline stories on both sides of the vertical line.
  • Vertical (Right ) : In this layout, timeline stories are aligned on the right side of the vertical line.
  • Vertical (Left) : In this layout, timeline stories are aligned on the left side of the vertical line.
  • Compact Layout : This layout displays the timeline stories on both sides of the vertical line.
  • Horizontal Top :  The horizontal layout actually displays the timeline in horizontal format and the line starts with the top. All the stories are aligned side by side and a slider is initialized to scroll through the stories.
  • Horizontal Bottom :  The horizontal layout actually displays the timeline in horizontal format and the line starts with the bottom. All the stories are aligned side by side and a slider is initialized to scroll through the stories.

2. ) Preset Styles : There are 5 Different preset style available Default, Classic, Elegant, Clean & Minimal.

3. ) Content Alignment: The post timeline content alignment align your post content.

4. ) Content Alignment Left: This field align your left side post content in vertical layout with both sided & compact design.

5. ) Connector Style: This field add Arrow or Line on your timeline.

6. ) Display Icon: This field add Icon or Dot on your timeline.

7.) Font Awesome Icon: The post timeline font awesome icon field you can easily add font awesome icons in your timeline.

8. ) Icon / Labels Position : You can use this field to set your icon position.

  • Horizontal Layout ( Extra Settings)
  1. ) Slide To Show : Use this field to control how many slide to show in a display at a time.
  2. ) Infinite Loop? : Use this field to Once the slideshow reaches the end, it repeats from the beginning.
  3. ) Space b/w Slides : Use this field to control the gap between two posts in horizontal.
  4. ) Navigation Icon : Use this field to select the navigation arrow icon style in horizontal slider.
  5. ) Autoplay : Use this field to start the autoplay slides in horizontal.
  6. ) Animation Speed : Use this field to control horizontal slides animation speed.
  7. ) Slides Height : Use this to select the auto or equal height for all posts.